
Friday, April 30, 2010

Welcome to my 1st blog.

OK, so I am gonna try my hand at blogging.  There are a few reasons that I am do this
  1. I want a way to share with my family and friends some of the great deals that I am finding on the internet.  I recently have jumped back into couponning (is that a word?)  as a way to save money and as something to fill my time.   
  2. I hate trying to send emails to everyone on how to get the great deals, so if I blog it you can find it
  3. I might earn a little money in the process, not millions, but maybe enough to support my growing yarn habit
  4. I'm up late at night anyway so now I can share all my midnight crazies with all of you at a time that is convenient for others...
So, please remember that I am new to all of this, really beyond email and facebook I know just enough about the internet to get myself in trouble and that's about it.  Yes, I realize that my spelling and grammar sucks, but if you hear me in real life, you know that really that's the way my brain works. ( I am no longer offended when you feel the need to deduct IQ points, really I'm use to  Anyway if I really mess something up and you don't understand what I am "talking" about just ask, or comment and I will try to clarify or correct the issue.

I am already learning, I realize that I have a list of things that am gonna need to make this blogging thing work
A Patio table
An extension cord
and cap lock key that works (Charlie broke mine off)

So, as I set off on this new adventure of mine you are welcome to come along, check in periodically  and laugh, add you own insight, make suggestion, or what ever.  Please think about posting a comment and sharing any amazing shopping trips that you have.

     Example:  on 4/23/2010 I took some coupons that I got off of blog that I read. (I print extras for Mom and Brandy)  and headed to Areopostle' well...drum roll please...I got a v-neck t-shirt and an embellished t-shirt fro a total of $4.75!!!  (I'll post the sales receipt if I can figure out how to get it to scan right.)  Now that was worth the trip to the mall for sure!

So now I am going to try inserting a hyper-link...Here goes bullsh#t...  Coupon Geek has a DIY Blog series that I am following.  Babysteps!

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