
Monday, August 16, 2010

Blood, Ink, & Gears: newest post

Have any of you read that latest post on Blood, Ink and Gears?  It is a brain teaser and thought provoking.

Why is it when American civilians are killed in a fuckin WARZONE it is labeled "murder", but when innocent civilians that happen to be native to the same warzone are killed it is "colateral damage" and mere casualities of said war. Fuckin American hypocrits. Don't wanna die. Stay outta the fucking warzone. Unpatriotic am I? Well, if having common sense and being able to see bullshit from a mile off makes me some kind of un-American turn coat, then so be it. That being said....

 Go check out the rest.  Greg Hess has a lot to say but if you read all the way through it he is making several good points.  While you are there sign up to be a follower of his blog.  Maybe if he has more fans he will post more often...

You can check okut his blog by scrolling down and clicking on the link on the right side of this page.

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