
Monday, September 6, 2010

Updated Giant Eagle Coupon Policy

Updated Giant Eagle Coupon Policy

There have been lots of rumbling about the new coupon policy at Giant Eagle.  I haven't posted about it sooner because I hadn't been able to get an official copy of it, and it wasn't posted on their website.  I also asked about it at the store but no one there had a clue.

However, when I check this morning, it had been posted.  The big change to the policy is that they will now only accept 12 like coupons:
  • 1 coupon per item(s) purchased as stated on the coupon with a maximum of 12 coupons per same 12 items purchased.
Now how they plan on tracking this, I don't know.  It does not state on the policy whether or not it's per day, per transaction, etc.  So I'm not sure what's to stop someone from putting their stuff in their car and then returning to buy another 12 products, or from going down the street to another location to purchase an additional 12 products.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.  So far I haven't experienced any issues.  If anyone's had any issues, let me know.

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